Monday, April 21, 2014

Lesson Plan Supplemental Materials

Lesson Plan Summary

The students will be creating Springtime Photography Books. They will be using digital cameras to take pictures of things they see during Spring. They will be using Microsoft Word to type captions to the pictures they take. The students will then paste the pictures and captions onto construction paper to create photo books. The purpose of this lesson is to work on writing complete sentences and using the six senses to display their knowledge of the Spring season.


The first standard, CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.2.6, addresses students being able to use digital tools to produce and publish writing. This is done when the children use Microsoft Word to type short captions for their photo books with the help of the teacher. The second standard, CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.2.3, addresses students being able to recall events, describe thoughts and feelings and use temporal words. Students do this when describing what they learned about Spring when taking pictures outside and using their five senses. After the pictures are taken, they use their notes to create their captions. The third standard, CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.2.5, addresses focusing on a topic and strengthening writing. The students do this as they type out their captions. With guidance from the teacher, they edit their writing. The fourth standard, CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.2.8, addresses recalling information to answer a question. They do this throughout the lesson plan when the teacher asks them open-ended questions about what they saw. Also when they typed their captions, they had to do this.

End of Lesson Expectations

The children should be able to successfully use a digital camera. They should also be able to type a written document on Microsoft word. They should have a more in depth and descriptive idea of what you can find in Spring using the five senses.

 Links to Tech-Based Supplemental Materials

 A post test the students can take after completing the lesson.
A link to a KWL chart the teacher can use to find out what children know, want to know, and have learned about Spring

KWL Chart on Spring

A  crossword puzzle the teacher can use to pretest the children on their knowledge of Spring.

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